A History of Health – Gut Support & Geophagia!

Everything we know about health, and the tools we use to heal and maintain our bodies and lifestyles has developed from thousands of years of practice and study. From deciphering ancient texts, to old medicinal wives tales and studying both human and animal behaviours throughout history, we have made historic leaps in health and medicine.

Geophagia is one such practice in which the study of its occurrence and its presence throughout history has culminated in a breakthrough in gut support and alleviating gastrointestinal symptoms; Enterosgel.

First of all, what is geophagia?
Geophagia is the deliberate ingestion of earth or soil-like substances such as clay or chalk; a common practice which occurs in animals, over 100 species of primates and even humans, with documented cases of geophagia as early as 300BCE across the Greek, African, Native American, South American and Egyptian civilizations throughout history.

Studies have also indicated that geophagic material has the ability to adsorb diarrhoea causing toxins, detoxify unpalatable compounds in the diet, alleviate hunger, gastrointestinal upsets and excess acidity in the digestive tract, including to aid the symptomatic treatment of intestinal infections.

It’s no wonder that further investigation has lead to scientific breakthroughs in mineral-based detoxification and supplementation to support gut health and gastrointestinal issues; one such breakthrough being Enterosgel.

Enterosgel is a 100% natural, silica based, mineral compound that binds unwanted microorganisms, toxins and pollutants in the gut to the molecular structure of Enterosgel. As an indigestible compound 100% of the Enterosgel and all the toxins that are bound to it, are excreted from the body, providing fast, effective relief of many gastrointestinal symptoms.

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