Enterosgel is a gel-based binder that has not only been proven for use in IBD but is also used for all kinds of digestive issues, from bloating to bacterial toxicosis in adults. But how safe is it for kids?

Find out how to support kid’s digestion and when to use Enterosgel below.

Digestive Upsets in Kids

Childhood often means increased exposure to brand new foods and also more foods than the stomach can handle.

It’s no wonder children often end up with digestive complaints after overeating and trying foods that their digestive systems have never experienced before.

This theme continues from childhood to adolescence, where junk food and alcohol may come into play as teenagers become more independent and start choosing their own dietary habits.

Tips for Healthy Digestion

Symptoms of indigestion can have far-reaching effects and can impact both schoolwork and a child’s social life. Here are some of the easiest tips to add throughout the day to make a significant difference in kids’ digestion.

  1. Hydration

    Drinking water can be a double-edged sword for appetite and digestion. Not drinking enough throughout the day can lead to overeating as dehydration might be considered to be hunger. On the other hand, consuming large amounts of water alongside a meal can also lead to symptoms such as bloating and fullness. Limiting liquids when eating can be one way to reduce any issues that might come from overdrinking while eating.

  2. Chewing

    Kids can often see mealtimes as a task they have to get through before returning to their more loved activities. This can lead to fast eating, limited chewing, and unawareness of sensations such as fullness in the stomach. The results can be large amounts of undigested food in the digestive system leading to gas, aching, and bloating. Sipping water, talking between bites, and setting a time period for meals can all be helpful suggestions to reduce rapid eating and increase chewing and digestion.

  3. Movement

    Alongside chewing, gentle exercise after a meal can help the movement of the digestive tract. This is especially true for children who are planning to spend an entire day in front of a screen.

  4. Spaced out meals

    Spacing out the meals lets the digestive system recover and reset for the next meal. Although some kids can benefit from small snacks throughout the day, spaced meals allow the digestive system time to prime properly for the next meal and allow water intake away from meals.

But sometimes, regardless of what steps are taken, kids can end up with a whole host of digestive upsets. Safe, unreactive digestive support is often needed in these cases. Gel-based binders can be an extremely safe option for children (and adults) when it comes to digestive support.

Enterosgel – Is it safe for kids?

Enterosgel is a gel-like substance that can soak up harmful substances in the gut. Medically proven for IBD, Enterosgel can also be used for all types of digestive issues in children over 1 year of age.

It can help with symptoms such as

  • Bloating
  • Cramping
  • Diarrhoea
  • Constipation
  • Heartburn

With no other ingredients other than silica and water, Enterosgel is a highly safe substance for kids needing support with digestive issues, food intolerances/sensitivities,  gastrointestinal symptoms from viral pathogens, and mild digestive upsets.

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